About Us

Support Society Nepal is a recently established NGO in Nepal with the slogan: Let’s support each other-let’s growth and development together. Our main goal is to make self-reliant and self-sufficient individuals through quality education right from the early stages of each human being and participating in empowering vocational skills development, gender equalizing, environment protection, community sustaining, and human rights programs especially in remote and resource-poor areas of Nepal using the holistic sustainable development approach. We are registered with the Social Welfare Council as an NGO in Nepal
- To make self- reliant and self- sufficient individuals who could live a successful life in this rapidly changing and highly sophisticated world without making any sort of harm or creating any problems to others.
- Child protection and development through quality school education; minimizing the all sort of child violence/abuse and child labor by improving quality of school education and community counseling for better understanding about education, nutrition and safeguard of the children.
- Women’s empowerment and development by maximizing gender equality and equity in society
- Increase self-employment through vocational skills development training/programs.
- Health education and sanitation through training, counseling, and conducting health-related awareness programs and advocacy.
- Environment protection through tree plantation, social mobilizing, and conducting environment-related awareness programs and advocacy.
- Research and advocacy in education, health-related issues, and human rights.
- Promote volunteerism and the exchange of culture through the involvement of national and international volunteers in the development process.
- Ensure positive feelings and respect for the aged people and protect them from any sort of physical and mental violence.
- Support each other so that we can grow and develop together
- We raise fund through general member fee, life member fee, staff volunteering contribution and donation from the interested people in the community.
Help and Support
We seek help and support from interested individuals, and firms (both national and global) to fulfill the mission of Support Society Nepal.

Support Society Board of Executives

Members of the Board of Directors